Tuesday 13 June 2017

How to make fluffy slime

Stuff  you will need:  2 jars, bowl, spoon, hot water, borax, shaving cream and GLUE


1. Put the glue into the bowl
2. Get 1 of the jars and put one TSP of borax into the hot water that is in the jar and wait until it devolves. (Stir it so it goes faster)
3.Once done set it aside and get your bowl of glue make sure to put a little bit less shaving cream than glue and stir to combined. (at this point you should put in color if you like.)
4. Now add a TSP of the borax solution at a time untill it pulls away from the bowl, start needing the slime until it doesn't stick to your hands. Add more borax solution if needed. Knead to your desired consistency. Add lotion if it isn't stretchy.
                                             now you have your slime.
store it in an air tight container.(Which would be the second jar)

You are most likely to have left over borax solution so just put that into a squirt bottle and you can use that for your next slime you make

This is what it should look like   Image result for rainbow fluffy slime